Modern English School holds 9th Inter-School Drama Competition

To nurture dramatic skills and encourage acting ability among students, Modern English School (MES), Guwahati, proudly organized the 9th Inter-School Drama Competition 2022-2023 at Banikant Kakati Auditorium on January 28, 2023.

The program was inaugurated in the presence of a number of dignitaries including renowned film and theater personalities including Mr. Jayanta Das (Guest of Honour), Mr. Ashim Kumar Sharma, Mrs. Babi Baruah, and Mr. Nayan Prasad (Judges). The event was organized by Mr. J. Burman, Joint Secretary, Head of Center of Excellence, CBSE, Guwahati was also present. He encouraged the participants by being the chief guest of the competition.

Also, various other cultural programs including the inaugural chorus were a part of the program.

Modern English School organizes inter-school competitions every year. It is an excellent platform for students to collaborate and showcase their creativity in acting, design and drama.

”The drama competition is an excellent opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and learn from their peers. It is an art form that allows students to express themselves, explore different perspectives, and develop essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Through drama, our students learn to think critically and creatively and gain confidence in their abilities,” said Mrs. Jonali Das, Principal of Modern English School.

”The competition also promotes basic life skills in students like co-operation, collaboration, and teamwork. Furthermore, staging a performance together allows them to create bonds of friendship, an essential quality to work together towards a goal,” added Mrs. Das.

Winners of the 9th Inter-School Drama Competition include-

Lion Ranjan Saikia from Assam National School. He won the Best Actor Award for the drama

Tejanshi Dihingia of Assam National School won Best Female Actor for Drama.

Yasaswi Nath of Modern English School was awarded as the Best Male Supporting Actor for Jon Mamar Sandhanat

Digangana Madhukulya of Modern English School won Best Supporting Actress for Jon Mamar Sandhanat.

Riyan Yogi of Modern English School won Best Comic Actor for Jon Mamar Sandhanat.

Ganesh Das of the Modern English School was recognized as the best screenwriter for the play Jon Mamar Sandhanat.

Navbikash Sharma of Assam National School won the Best Director Award for

Assam Jatiya Bidyalay’s team was recognized as the best drama team in the grand competition. The distinguished jury awarded a special award to the team of Army Public School, Narangi for best teamwork in their performance.

Participating teams were evaluated on various parameters including their performance and attire. Apart from giving the audience a mesmerizing experience, the performing groups also imparted the necessary messages for social harmony and overall growth.

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