Mountain Dew launches its new campaign to overcome everyday fears

 Mountain Dew® has launched an all-new campaign “Darrke Aage Jeet Hai” that encourages consumers to move beyond their fears and stand victorious in the race of life. The new TVC dives into the everyday struggles of people across the spectrum – emphasizing that every human reacts differently to situations and fear is subjective with no definite scale, measure, or boundary.

 The film is a reiteration of Mountain Dew®’s belief that in the face of any challenge there are 2 choices – either succumb to fear & turn back or overcome the fear & move ahead with courage.

The new Mountain Dew® campaign and TVC will be amplified across TV, digital, outdoor, and social media with a 360-degree campaign. Mountain Dew® is available in single/multi serve packs across modern and traditional retail outlets as well as on leading e-commerce platforms. Vineet Sharma, Category Director, Mountain Dew, PepsiCo India said, “We are confident consumers across the country will relate with this touching new film and as always, the philosophy of ‘DarrKeAage Jeet Hai’ will resonate strongly with them.”

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