MSDE hosted a dialogue with the delegation from Germany visiting India

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in India hosted a dialogue with a delegation from Germany, led by the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Ms. Leonie Gebers.  The Indian delegation was led by Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE. The aim was to extend cooperation in skill development and create pathways for the mobility of skilled workforce from India to Germany.

The dialogue focused on harnessing India’s skilled workforce to address workforce shortages in Germany and provided insights on the new immigration law adopted by the German Bundestag in June. The objective of the dialogue was to extend further cooperation between the two countries in the areas of skill development and pave pathways for the mobility of skilled workforce from India to Germany.

MSDE Secretary Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari expressed confidence that the dialogue would pave new pathways and strengthen the partnership between India and Germany. The partnership, marked by mutual respect and strong cultural ties, has evolved into a vibrant strategic partnership with flourishing collaborations in renewable energy, education, and vocational training.