MSDE organized a webinar on ‘Mega Trends shaping future of work’

MSDE and NSDC organized a webinar on the topic of ‘Mega Trends shaping future of work’. The webinar was attended by an esteemed panel including Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, NSDC, Shri Krishna Kumar Dwivedi, Joint Secretary, MSDE; and El Iza Mohamedou, Head, OECD Centre for Skills.

This webinar focused on identifying the trends that are shaping the future of work and the steps and policy measures to be taken to imbibe foundational skills and lifelong learning capacity. It was divided into three sessions: Demographic and Social trends, Environmental trends, and Tech trends. The speakers emphasized on increasing women’s participation in the workforce, harnessing the benefits of a multigenerational workforce, and the potential of a silver economy. The experts also deliberated on the man-machine interface, skill shifts, assessing the readiness of the current workforce, firm adaptability, tech-enabled forms of work, and gig economy and crowd-working platforms.

The G20 summit aims to bring global stakeholders together to contextualize the emerging future of work to prioritize reforms, re-imagine learning, and redefine talent. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE said,” Through this webinar and upcoming series of events, we aim to learn and deliberate on the best practices and policy interventions implemented by G20 nations to enhance their education and skilling ecosystem”.

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