Myanmar government is trying to ensure that the news of the country does not go out

8 more agitators died on the road against army rule. The city of Aunban has been quite hot since Saturday morning. The situation is deteriorating further in Myanmar. The level of military atrocities is increasing. Internet services in different parts of the country had already been stopped. This time, the Junta government went a step further and shut down private newspapers. Sources said the last newspaper was published in the country on Friday morning.

Around 30 journalists have already been detained in jail. The Myanmar army is beating democracy by proving its attack on the newspapers. It is not right when the newspaper will be published again. The Junta government is not lacking anything to demand the voice of the people of the country. They are trying to ensure that the news of the country does not go out.

Meanwhile, the army is bringing a new complaint every day in the name of detained leader Suu Kyi, most of which are motivated confirmed foreign diplomats. Now let’s see if Western countries led by the US take any difficult steps to teach the Myanmar army. The water has gone over the head. Food grain prices have reportedly reached out of reach. Fuel prices skyrocketed. Most importantly, the Junta government is not being brought to the fore despite multiple threats from the United States. Many feel that China is behind the current situation in Myanmar.

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