NCC a Youth Exchange Programme

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) since its establishment in 1948 has been training young leaders to serve the country. Apart from having a holistic training programme within India, the NCC also has a Youth Exchange Programme (YEP), in order to provide NCC cadets with an opportunity to engage with people from other socio-cultural contexts.

This is made possible by selecting NCC cadets who visit partner countries and delve into NCC activities of the host country. The cadets are selected through a rigorous selection process, involving a written test and an interview. Every year around 100 cadets visit 11 partner countries under the YEP. Some of these countries include Bangladesh, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, etc. Currently, a group of NCC cadets are on a visit to Bangladesh, under the YEP. As India and Bangladesh celebrate their 51st year of diplomatic relations, this visit of the cadets is special. On their visit, the cadets participated in various events, held on the sidelines of Bangladesh’s Liberation Day celebration.

Programmes like the YEP are an example of the efforts put in by India to engage with its global partners through cultural and economic engagements. This highlights India’s growing focus towards a multicultural and multilateral global outlook.

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