On record January 2024 was the world’s warmest January

Recently the world has just experienced its warmest January on record, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday (February 8). January 2024 surpassed the record of January 2020, which was the warmest on record till now. Notably, 2023 was actually the Earth’s hottest year in global records, due to climate change and the El Nino weather phenomenon.  This news is actually very concerning news as climate of the world is changing and giving threat to human being.

Right now human being is developing in very high speed and it is actually affecting the nature very much. Actually the earth is not only for human being but also for every creature living in it. We human should not be very selfish and think about everyone so that we make the earth a better place to live. In reality rising temperature is very serious concern and we need to solve it as it is happening due to human activity which causes all type of pollution.