Over 15,000 Online Police Complaints Received During Lockdown.

A total of 15,299 police complaints were received online from across the State during the lockdown, State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) statistics reveal. Of these, action was taken on 85% complaints, the police claimed.

Among other cities, Chennai city police topped the list with 2,370 complaints. During the lockdown, the police encouraged the public to lodge complaints online.

In 2019, the police received 1,28,596 online complaints across the State. As of March 23, this year 34,316 complaints were received. Compared to the corresponding period last year, the complaints were less. As per statistics of SCRB, from March 24 to May 17, the State police received 15,299 online complaints whereas it was 17,021 in the corresponding period last year.

A senior officer of SCRB said, “Overall issues are few because of lockdown. People do not come out. The number of online complaints received by police are less compared to normal circumstances. Otherwise, we do receive plenty of complaints on petty cases such as mobile phone theft and missing documents or petty quarrels or issues with neighbours. Most of them are non-cognisable offences. If any cognisable elements are there, the police will call the complainant and register a case. Quick action is being taken on the online complaint.”

During the lockdown, many registered online complaints with the Central Crime Branch of the Chennai City Police. A senior officer of CCB said, “Immediately after lockdown, we encouraged people to lodge their complaints online. Now most of the complaints are immediately disposed of so that the complainant gets the grivances quickly redressed. In this period, we received complaints of misinformation on COVID-19 and online frauds such as sharing one-time passwords. Immediately after receiving those complaints, we took action.”

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