OYO India & South Asia has elevated Abhishek Thard, a young talented professional originally from Guwahati to Vice-President position. While the duties and responsibilities of Abhishek Thard remain largely unchanged, the designation accords him a greater role both in business decision making and accountability. Abhishek Thard, as Region Head – West II, is responsible for managing hotel operations and on ground teams in Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Pune and Goa. OYO is a strong believer in the principle of Distributed Leadership and has elevated five other leaders along with Abhishek Thard to Vice-President positions. Keeping its commitment to talent and recognising the role certain leaders have played in managing operations as well as motivating teams during the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on business, OYO took the decision.
Speaking on the development, Rohit Kapoor, CEO, India and South Asia, OYO said, ensuring that OYO is recognising the contributions of its ground teams and regional leaders is especially important during this time. They are happy to elevate the six deserving leaders to VP positions and hope that they will continue to inspire and create a lasting impact on the India SA organization.