The grand “Passing out parade of 196 RPF constable recruits” was held today (21.09.2020) at RPF Training Centre, Domohani, N.F. Railway.
Sri Sanjive Roy, General Manager/ N.F. Railway graced the occasion with his presence as Chief Guest and inspected the Guard of Honour. Pr. Chief Security Commissioner/RPF/NFR, Divisional Railway Manager/Rangiya apart from other senior RPF & Railway officials were also present during the occasion.
Total 196 Constable Recruits (Northern Railway – 120, East Central Railway – 29, North Central Railway – 24, Eastern Railway – 20, North Eastern Railway – 02 and Northeast Frontier Railway -1) participated in the Passing out parade (POP) after successful completion of 8 months of rigorous training.
5 best recruits were awarded with medal & certificates by the General Manager.
Entire parade was organized by maintaining social distance and observing all the formalities related to COVID – 19.
General Manager/ N.F. Railway, was pleased to announce rewards for the flawless arrangements of the POP and excellent Parade display by the new recruits. He also announced suitable rewards for excellent upkeep of the training centre.
Passing out parade of newly recruited RPF constable held