Premature births on the rise

The number of pre-term babies is on the rise lately, much more than in the past. Statistics from WHO reveal that an estimated 15 million babies are born preterm. Clearing the air around premature births, Dr. Sumita Saha, Consultant Paediatrician and NICU in-charge at Fortis Hospital Anandapur explains, “A baby is called as premature if he/she is born before 37 weeks of gestation period as against a normal term of 40 weeks. However, those born between 32-37 weeks generally do not need much support. Those born below 32 weeks are the ones who need a good amount of intensive care support. However, if born over 24 weeks, the babies have a higher probability of surviving provided the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where he/she spends the initial few weeks of their life, is competent enough.” Why is the premature birth on the rise? Dr. Saha pointed out a few key factors – (i) Increase in instances of Artificial Insemination, (ii) Unmanaged Stress levels, (iii) Lifestyle-related factors. Dr. Sumita Saha pointed out a couple of key tips which one should keep in mind to ensure a safe journey for the little one at home.

Premature babies, in most cases, develop like any other baby and can lead a normal life. “Some babies do need some support from the aspect of development and it is important to identify the need for support early on so that the baby can catch up on the growth. Sometimes, they also need some stimulation to help the brain develop faster. But, in most cases, where the babies do not need high amount of intervention during their initial NICU stay, the babies grow up to be just as their full term counterparts, and after around 3 years of their life, hardly can anyone differentiate them from the latter,” assure Dr. Saha.

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