A serving Army officer of Lieutenant Colonel rank Mr Bedi was responsible for the printing of the question paper for the local centre for the “Army Relation Recruitment Exam” scheduled for February 28, which had come to light in the last week of February and has till now led to close to a dozen arrests, including of serving Army officers and personnel.
Bedi was responsible for the printing of the question paper for the local centre for the army Relation Recruitment Exam’ scheduled for February 28. The exam, meant for close relatives of army personnel, was to take place at multiple centres across the country but was cancelled when the paper leak came to light.
A probe revealed that he was in charge of the printing of the paper before the exam at AOC centre Secunderabad and he leaked it,” said Vitthal Patil, senior police inspector, Anti-Extortion Cell. So far nine persons have been arrested in the case. The written exam was to be conducted at 40 exam centres across India and nearly 30,000 aspirants were to appear for it. After receiving a tip-off about a paper leak, officials from Military Intelligence of the Army conducted a joint operation with Pune police and seized ‘leaked’ question papers. The primary probe revealed that the suspected leaked paper was a 100 per cent match to the original question paper, following which the Army cancelled the entire process.