Rajnagar will celebrate Teacher’s Day in Cooch Behar

Rajnagar, a socio-cultural media organization, has taken the initiative to revive the cultural tradition of Cooch Behar. The organization has taken initiative to organize various programs to bring back the heritage of the city. As a part of the initiative Teacher’s Day will be celebrated on 5th September. All the teachers of Cooch Behar city will be honored on this day. The program will be led by Abhijit Dey Bhowmik, President, Trinamool Congress, Cooch Behar city block.

On behalf of the organization, Anjana Dey Bhowmik said, We have taken the initiative to bring back the heritage and culture of Cooch Behar city. We will form a committee with meritorious people in each ward of the city. According to their advice, we will take various initiatives to develop the culture and heritage of the city. We will felicitate every teacher in the city on Teacher’s Day. Soon we will take out a program to remove the spike pins on different trees in the city. Various programs are being taken with the street dogs. A helpline is being opened for the pension related benefits of senior citizens. Medical camps will be held soon in each ward. Short film, dance, song, essay writing competitions will also be organized online soon.

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