Recently German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on a three day visit to China

Recently German Chancellor Olaf Scholz embarks on a three-day visit to China, actually aiming to engage in discussions on economic ties and hold meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Additionally, Scholz is actually anticipated to appeal to Beijing to leverage its influence with Moscow towards mitigating the conflict in Ukraine. This is actually good news as today Germany and China sharing a good relation with each other and wants to solve global conflict.

Today actually in every corner of the world tension is going on and for this reason people want a peaceful life. In fact today India says to everyone that it is not the time for war and we should live peacefully. Actually both China and Germany are major economy of the world and have great importance globally. For this reason many major problem can be solved by this visit and people all over the world will get benefit from it by having a good life.