Samsung, India’s largest consumer electronics brand, announced the launch of ‘Samsung Education Hub’, a designed-for-TV education app in association with Physics Wallah. The app will be available on all Samsung TVs from 32-inch to 98-inch screen size, along with Samsung Smart Monitors. Starting from 2023 models, Education Hub app will be available on Samsung TVs and Smart Monitors till 2020 models, in a phased manner. It will also be available on all 2024 Samsung TVs and Smart Monitors.
Samsung in partnering with ed-tech platform PhysicsWallah to offer online classes on a larger screen for students aged 6th-12th in CBSE Board and those preparing for competitive exams like IIT and NEET.The Education Hub app will provide access to live classes and on-demand education content for existing PhysicsWallah subscribers and Samsung TV users.
Samsung consumers can try premium live courses for up to two months on their TVs or Smart Monitors at no cost, and access the ‘Physics WallahKhazaana Content’ content library featuring premium lectures by top educators. Additionally, Samsung customers can avail a 20% discount on course fees for any of the premium live courses. Dipesh Shah, Head of India Consumer Experience Team at Samsung, said, “Through this initiative, we envision a future where learning knows no boundaries, and knowledge is accessible at the touch of a remote”.