Samsung’s ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ sparks innovation in Dimapur schools with design thinking workshops

Samsung, India’s largest consumer electronics brand, has launched the first-ever design thinking and training workshop in select schools of Dimapur, in Nagaland. Samsung’s ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ initiative in Dimapur, Nagaland, focuses on enhancing students’ problem-solving, critical thinking, probing, and creativity through the Human-Centered Design Thinking framework. Solve for Tomorrow is a national education and innovation competition, which aims to foster a culture of innovation amongst the next generation.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow School Track at a Glance invites 14-17 year-olds to submit ideas in the “Community & Inclusion” theme. Semi-finalists will receive INR 20,000 for prototype development and Samsung Galaxy Tabs, while final five teams will receive INR 1 Lakh for prototype enhancement and Samsung Galaxy Watches.

The winning team will be declared the “Community Champion” and receive a seed grant of INR 25 Lakh for prototype advancement. Schools will also receive Samsung products to enhance educational offerings. Mr.SP Chun, Corporate Vice President, Samsung Southwest Asia stated, “Samsung Solve for Tomorrow is part of our vision to empower the next generation and create an ecosystem of innovation in the country. We believe that they are the flag-bearers of innovation and require nurturing from a young age”.