Siddhanth Kapoor drug case: Actor shares selfie with unknown woman in 1st Instagram post after getting bail

Veteran actor Shakti Kapoor’s son and actor Siddhant Kapoor who was arrested on Monday has been released on bail after his medical review confirmed his drug use. The actor was nabbed from a party at a five-star resort in Bengaluru. Hours after his release, Siddhant took to Instagram and shared a selfie with a woman on a flight. He came up with a red heart, folded hands and evil-eyes amulet emoji, which could be interpreted as him sitting with the girl on the flight. Both of them had masks on their faces. It marks the first submission of the decision after being arrested on drug charges. However, it seems he has now deleted the photo.

Meanwhile, the police granted bail to Siddhan and cited that he will appear before police officials when summoned.

According to IANS, Siddhant told the police that someone gave him tableted drinks and cigarettes at the party, where he was referred to as the DJ.

“Siddhant Kapoor claimed that his drink was laced with drugs and he did not know about it. He told the police that he had been to Bengaluru many times to attend parties as a DJ. This was the fourth time he had been arrested after visiting the lodge. We have received the visitor list and the suspected men and women will be called for questioning,” said Bengaluru DCP (East) Bhimashankar Guled.

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