Simon Cowell Had Doubts About London School Of Bollywood On ‘BGT’
The London School of Bollywood group featured dancers from the ages of 18-26 as they auditioned for season 11. “We’ve seen a lot of these groups before and they’re pretty much the same thing,” Simon said once they announced they were a Bollywood dance group. One group member spoke up and said “we don’t think there’s anyone quite like us.” Midway through their performance, a voiceover replaced the music and talked about how it’s always the same story about a boy meeting a girl. The dancers switched it up with a male dancer coming out wearing a skirt and sparkly top. This performance surprised the judges so much and definitely humbled Simon which is not easy to do. “It showed you had a sense of humor. You’re fun and I think you’re the kind of act we want on this show” he said.
Simon Cowell Had Doubts About London School Of Bollywood On ‘BGT’