Skill India International Centre at Varanasi

An MoU was exchanged between Shri Ved Mani Tiwari, Director, NSDC International and Mohammed Al Muallem, Executive Vice President, DP World and Director, Hindustan Ports Private Limited in the presence of many other dignitaries to develop a Skill India International Centre at Varanasi. The centre will impart skilling as per international standards, preparing the candidates for global markets.

Skill India Mission aims to bring economic prosperity and provide novel opportunities to the country’s youth. The MoU signing was preceded by bilateral discussions chaired by Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan and Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship & SMEs, UAE. They explored ways to further invigorate bilateral engagements in skill development & entrepreneurship and to take the India-UAE CEPA to unprecedented heights. Recognition of certificates issued by Indian Skilling Centres in UAE and renewal of the G-to-G mechanism between the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, GOI & National Qualifications Authority, UAE were also discussed for liberalising the process of assessment and certification of Indian workforce and to ensure greater mobility for them. The centres will host training facilities, providing skills as per the demand of international employers in countries like UAE, Canada, Australia and other GCC regions. The Skill India International Centres will also have a wide network of partnering organisations that will work with NSDCI for aggregating demand from overseas markets.
The Hon’ble Minister of State for Entrepreneurship & SMEs, UAE Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi said, “This Memorandum of Understanding will further strengthen the relationship between UAE and India and help enhance workforce productivity.”

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