Soils: Where Food Begins

December 5 is widely known annually as World Soil Day to focus on the importance of healthy soil and promote property management of soil resources. The event aims to boost awareness of the importance of soil quality for human well-being, food security and ecosystems, and events square measure control at the international organisation United Nations agency offices and thru community based mostly events.

The day was initial thought of by the International Union of Soil Sciences in 2002, however wasn’t formally supported by United Nations agency till 2013.
The theme for 2022 World Soil Day is ‘Soils: wherever Food Begins’. The theme aims to focus on the growing changes in soil management, increase soil awareness, and encourage efforts and other people to enhance soil health.

World Soil Day (WSD) is control annually on five Gregorian calendar month as a method to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the property management of soil resources. a world day to celebrate soil was suggested by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002.
Under the leadership of the dominion of Kingdom of Thailand and among the framework of the worldwide Soil Partnership, United Nations agency has supported the formal institution of WSD as a world awareness raising platform.

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