Someone’s hand and someone’s leg were blown off In the explosion

Many people gather at the Jagaddhatri Puja fair. Everyone is busy enjoying themselves. But suddenly a terrible accident. In a moment everything changed in tears. Several people were injured when the cylinder of the balloon shop burst.

Last two years the fair could not be organized due to Corona. This year the Jagaddhatri Puja fair was held in Shantipur as the panic subsided. Last night, a gas cylinder exploded in a balloon shop at the fair. The balloon seller died on the spot. Eight people were seriously injured. They were quickly rescued and taken to Shantipur State General Hospital. According to hospital sources, the condition of the injured is serious. As a result of the explosion, someone’s hand was blown off, and someone’s leg was blown off. Everyone was brought to the hospital bleeding. As their condition worsened, they were shifted to Shaktinagar district hospital.

Municipal authorities reached the hospital after receiving the news. Subrata Ghosh expressed regret over the incident and requested the administration not to use such explosive gas at the fair. Shantipur Raas Festival is just a few days away. A shadow of sadness has descended on the entire area. However, Shantipur police reached the spot. How the explosion happened will be investigated. Besides, efforts are being made to find out the identity of the dead and injured persons.

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