Students using smartphones hampering studies, Assam

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2023) has conducted a survey for Assam students from the age groups of 14-16 and 17-18.

As per the survey revelation, a worrisome trend has emerged that children using smartphones, exhibit higher inclination towards more entertainment than their studies.

The survey says from basic reading research:

Among students aged 14–16 surveyed in Assam, only 56.9% can read a Standard II-level text in regional language, with a breakdown of 49.1% for males and 62.7% for females. In the 17–18 age group, 63.8% exhibit this proficiency, with a split of 58.8% for males and 67.6% for females.

Additionally, details of the research from the survey for Assam, 2023 are given in details at their website.