Sunstone initiated its first-ever Global Immersion Program in Dubai

Sunstone, one of India’s leading higher education startups with a presence across 35+ cities in 50+ institutions initiated a Global Immersion Program for their students in Dubai. Aimed at imparting experiential learning and helping them gain real-life insights into the startup world, these students were offered an opportunity to learn from industry experts.

From 2nd Sept to 8th Sep, this 6 day program included visiting prominent places like the world’s largest single-site Solar Park, Ferrari World, Burj Khalifa, and Desert Safari. The startup leaders had Ajay Sajnani, Director of Interiors R US, Puneet Jeet, Director of PJ International, Aditya Sinha, Business Leader, Mastercard and Gautam Goenka, Director & Producer in Dubai.

This program was aimed at equipping students with a working knowledge of local business practices through in-person interaction with the key stakeholders, this additional exposure of seeing a different culture and understanding how work culture operates at a global level was the real learning for our 14 students. Speaking on the program, Sunstone Co-founder Piyush Nangru says, “This will make them job-ready and more prepared for the future.

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