Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market for August 2022

 In August 2022, Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market stood at 78,843 vehicles, compared to 57,995 units in August 2021.

Total Domestic Sales Performance of Tata Motors: 76,479 vehicles in August 2022 (54,190 vehicles in August 2021). Total Domestic Sales of Commercial Vehicles: 31,492 vehicles in August 2022 (29,781 in August 2021). Domestic sale of MH&ICV in August 2022 (including trucks and buses) stood at 12,069 units, compared to 8,962 units in August 2021.

Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business in August 2022 (including trucks and buses) stood at 12,846 units compared to10,953 units in August 2021. Total Domestic Sales of Passenger Vehicles in August 2022 was 47,166 units (28,018 in August 2021. This includes sales of Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited (a subsidiary of Tata Motors Limited).

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