Tata Motors registered total sales in July 2022

Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market for July 2022 stood at 81,790 vehicles, compared to 54,119 units during July 2021. The sales performance shows that total sales registered a 51% grow over last year.

The total Domestic sales performance in July 2022 was 78,978 units against 51,981 units in July 2021. In July 2022, the total Domestic performance of Commercial Vehicles was 34,154 units against 23,848 units in July 2021. Domestic sale of MH&ICV in July 2022, including trucks and buses, stood at 12,012 units, compared to 7,813 units in July 2021.

Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business in July 2022, including trucks and buses, stood at 12,974 units compared to 8,749 units in July 2021. The total Domestic sale of Passenger Vehicle was 30,185 units in July 2021. It changed to 47,505 units in July 2022.

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