Tata Passenger Electric Mobility launches new brand identity

As the EV offering grows, spurred on by surging consumer demand and a robust, thriving product lineup, customers expect a unique experience across all touchpoints, from the brand to the product and its ownership cycle. TATA.ev identified a clear need for a new consumer-facing brand identity that strengthens commitment to the future of mobility.

The company’s brand identity, “move,” represents a collective human movement towards electric vehicles (EVs) and a safer, smarter, and greener future. The words “with meaning” emphasize responsibility, collective action, and future readiness, showcasing TATA.ev’s commitment to a safer, smarter, and greener future. Commenting on the new brand identity, Mr. Vivek Srivatsa, Head, Marketing, Sales and Service Strategy, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd. said, “The brand personality is humane, honest, invigorating, and conversational – a rallying point for those curious about having a better impact on the world.”

TATA.ev’s brand identity, developed with Landor & Fitch, focuses on ‘Move with Meaning’ and sustainability. Design decisions are purposeful, ensuring accessibility, openness, and environmental friendliness. Visual design embodies this approach.

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