The all-new Royal Challenge

Royal Challenge Whisky unveiled its renovation of the brand. The bold, new Royal Challenge Whisky will see, a transformed logo unit, refined quality liquid and striking packaging that will stand out on the shelf. The all-new Royal Challenge whisky is a perfect fusion of scotch, Indian malts and grain spirits that will give the consumers a smoother and richer experience.

With the vision to be the most iconic millennial brand in India, the new pack has been re-designed to give a more premium experience bringing to life the iconic Royal Challenge rampant Lion. The Lion, now crowned, represents the bold and fearless spirit that the brand exemplifies. Further, with this renewed blend, the brand evolves to be the most accessible and preferred by millennials of today who challenge everyday status quo. The launch of the all-new pack will look to explore an integrated communication strategy that builds on this new positioning. The phased launch saw the refreshed pack go on shelves across the country starting earlier this year.

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