Topcem Cement, a leading cement brand of Northeast India, today, organized a blood donation camp in Guwahati. The blood donation camp this year was organized in association with Marwari Hospitals,Guwahati.The camp was inaugurated by Dr. Anil Kapur, President, Sales & Marketing, Topcem Cement at a press conference in Guwahati. The camp witnessed active participation of Topcem Cement employees and partners. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that all those who were a part of this drive felt great as by donating one unit of blood, each one would be saving three lives somewhere on this earth and someone will survive because of this kind gesture.

Commenting on the occasion, Dr. Anil Kapur, President Sales & Marketing, Meghalaya Cements Ltd, said:

“Topcem cement has always taken initiatives for the betterment of the society and will continue to do so in the near future. It’s an honour on our part that Marwari Hospital has given their support in making this camp a successful one”

The purpose of the campaign is to help medical patients who need blood transfusion as the first thing to survive. There are misconceptions regarding blood donation among the population. This needs education and motivation through dissemination of information regarding blood donation through suitable activities and initiatives. The blood donation camp was a testament to the commitment of Topcem Cement and its employees to giving back to society and making a positive impact on the community.

Topcem Cement donated approximately 32 units of blood to support Marwari Hospital’s blood bank through employee volunteerism. Marwari Hospital expressed their gratitude to Topcem Cement and their employees for the support and enthusiasm demonstrated in organizing such an event.