Toyota believes that ‘carbon is the enemy’

Mr. Akio Toyoda, President  & CEO of Toyota Motor Corporation (“Toyota”), and founder and team owner of ROOKIE Racing participated under the driver name “Morizo” in the 25-hour endurance race in Thailand over December 17th and 18th in Toyota’s hydrogen-powered Corolla. This was the first time that this technology has been used in a race outside Japan.

This was also an opportunity for Toyota to demonstrate its multiple pathway approaches to accelerate actions towards Carbon Neutrality, by displaying and demonstrating various clean technologies, including Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) that offer diverse environmentally friendly choices to customers across Asian markets.

Toyota believes that ‘carbon is the enemy’, and hence Toyota believes in a Multiple Pathway approach by offering customers the choice of various vehicle powertrain technologies, including HEV, PHEV, BEV, FCEV, HiCEV, or even bio-fuel vehicles. This allows every customer to select cleaner and greener mobility options that are suitable for their economic circumstances, energy source, charging infrastructure readiness, industrial policies and usage needs. This multiple pathways approach allows decarbonization to start immediately, without waiting for the maturity of all the enablers such as infrastructure and affordability, and hence can gain scale through accessibility. This is in line with Toyota’s “Mobility for All” objective, and allows everyone to participate in the decarbonization journey.

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