A remarkable rescue operation led by health workers in Tripura ensured the safe delivery of a pregnant woman from the remote village of Samaruchara, located in Unakoti district. The woman, 22, had gone into labour on the morning of December 3 while in her village, which lacks accessible roads. Having attended regular prenatal check-ups at the Nishiranjan Nandita Memorial Primary Health Center, she quickly sought help when labour began. Local health workers conducted a preliminary examination and advised immediate medical attention. However, due to the village’s rugged terrain, transport was a major challenge.
Displaying extraordinary resourcefulness, the health workers, with help from the woman’s family, created a makeshift swing using bamboo and cloth. They carried her for two kilometers through difficult paths until they reached a motorable area. From there, she was transported by vehicle to the Unakoti District Hospital.
At the hospital, under the supervision of Nursing Officer Jaba Debbarma and her team, the woman delivered a healthy baby girl at 2:35 PM. Both mother and baby are in good health and are receiving ongoing care, including free medicines and nutritional support. The hospital staff also provided the family with important guidance on newborn care and maternal health.