After an extensive 17-month search spanning multiple states, Banderdewa police have arrested Pradip Siva, a truck driver who allegedly stole a vehicle loaded with ₹16.35 lakh worth of steel bars. The suspect was apprehended in Bengaluru, bringing an end to a prolonged interstate manhunt. The case dates back to August 2023, when Siva, who was entrusted with transporting 27.720 metric tonnes of TMT bars from Banderdewa to Ledo, Tinsukia, disappeared along with the truck and its cargo. The shipment, belonging to Satyam Steel & Alloys, never reached its destination, prompting a police investigation. Despite initial efforts, Siva managed to evade capture for more than a year, frequently changing locations to avoid detection.
Banderdewa police, under the leadership of Sub-Inspector (SI) Koj Tada and Head Constable (HC) Tade Bomdom, relied on human intelligence and advanced surveillance techniques to track down the suspect. Their efforts led them to Karnataka, where they collaborated with Bengaluru’s Hulimavu Police Station to arrest the 29-year-old accused on January 28, 2025. Following his arrest, Siva was transported back to Arunachal Pradesh to face legal proceedings.
Speaking on the operation, Superintendent of Police (SP) Mihin Gambo of Naharlagun lauded the coordinated efforts between the Arunachal Pradesh and Karnataka police forces.“This arrest highlights the importance of interstate police cooperation and the use of modern investigative tools. Criminals cannot escape justice, no matter where they hide,” SP Gambo said.