Truecaller partners with CyberPeace Foundation to launch #TrueCyberSafe campaign

Truecaller, has launched #TrueCyberSafe focused on online safety with the collaboration of CyberPeace Foundation for verifying contacts and blocking unwanted communication. This joint initiative between Truecaller and CyberPeace Foundation aims to create awareness and train people to tackle Cyber frauds leading to a safer communication experience.

Truecaller along with CyberPeace Foundation is geared up to take a step ahead by training people to help them in developing the requisite skills to have a safe digital experience and aiding them in nurturing the faculties of critical thinking and empathy. The certification developed along with Autobot Infosec will help people in tackling various kinds of frauds, impersonation, harassment and scams. Commenting on the partnership, Pragya Misra, Public Affairs Director, Truecaller India, said: “We are very excited to partner with CyberPeace Foundation to disseminate these trainings that will target both mature and first-time internet users across India in E

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