Uber signs an agreement to establish Uber Zones across all AAI airports

Uber(a ride sharing mobile application) has signed an agreement with Airports Authority of India (AAI) to establish its cab service zone within the airport premises. This establishment comes after watching a high growth in airport trips. It is noticed that out of 10, 1 trip on the Uber platform is an airport trip.

“We have signed an MOU with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) to provide Uber’s service at multiple AAI airports. This is something which we believe is to truly participate in one of the fastest-growing segments of the Indian economy, which is the aviation sector. We see that we are an incredibly critical part of that growth”, Singh said.

It has been recorded by the company that around 17 % of the total revenue we drive from trips to and fro from airports.

“This percentage is only increasing given how fast the aviation sector is growing. Just within the first three months of 2023 more than 30 lakh riders have used Uber to get to the airports this year,” Singh said.

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