UTI Value Opportunities Fund

UTI Value Opportunities Fund is a fund that looks for opportunities which is expressed in terms of relative intrinsic value of a given stock, which means following ‘Value’ style of investment and across the market capitalization spectrum. Here ‘Value’ is buying things for less than their intrinsic value. Intrinsic value is simply the current value of the cash flows that the company generates for its shareholders over a period of time. Undervalued businesses can be found at two ends of the spectrum.

At one end, the market may under appreciate the sustainability of competitive advantages and/or the length of the growth runway for the company. These companies defy the norm of cyclicality and reversion to mean. At the other end of the spectrum there are companies that may be experiencing challenges due to cyclical factors, changes in the environment or their own past actions. The opportunity in both cases is to buy something cheap relative to expectations.

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