Mizoram’s Transport Minister, Vanlalhlana, attended the 42nd Transport Development Council (TDC) meeting of Transport Ministers from across India in New Delhi on Tuesday. The meeting focused on key issues aimed at improving the transport sector across the country.The session was divided into two parts. The first session saw the launch of the new central policy on Driver Training Centers (DTC), as well as discussions on Automated Testing Stations (ATS) for vehicle fitness checks, cashless treatment for accident victims, pilot projects, and relief schemes for ‘hit and run’ victims. The Vehicle Scrapping Policy and the establishment of Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSF) were also part of the agenda.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways also launched three mobile apps developed by IIT Madras: Sanjaya, Madras Matrix, and Field Perception Survey, which aim to enhance transportation services and improve road safety.During the second session, representatives from various Transport Associations of India made presentations. Mizoram’s Transport Minister raised concerns regarding the state’s transportation infrastructure.
He requested the Union Minister to consider establishing multiple Automated Testing Stations (ATS) in Mizoram, highlighting that the state might face challenges in operating its Command and Control Center beyond March 2026. Minister Vanlalhlana also sought a 50% subsidy for vehicle owners to purchase Vehicle Location Tracking Devices (VLTD) and Panic Buttons (EAS), to improve road safety and security.