Weather forecast, Heavy Rain in Madhya Pradesh for next 2-3 days.

While giving updates on Madhya Pradesh rainfall Mr.Sahu said “As of now, flood is not expected, but if some more rain happens it might look like a flood-type situation. Due to turf line coming from Jaipur and Gwalior, circulation has been created over the Bay of Bengal, though the rain is not expected in the western region, but in the eastern parts of Madhya Pradesh. As per the report, the frequency will increase in the coming days.

“Regarding a rain updated, in Panchmarhi 27 mm rain was reported, in Rewa 10.2 mm, in Bairagarh 5.4 mm and 30.8 mm in Umaria. So, at present, low pressure is not expected, but it maybe it can happen after few days. Average rainfall in M.P. is 112 cm. In eastern part rainfall average is 140 cm, while western part receives on average 75 cm. rainfall.

The IMD scientist has claim that as of now, a flood-like situation is not expected in Gwalior and Jaipur. So it is an positive news for the locals, but if some more rain happens that might trigger the flood there, and it might look like a flood-type situation

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