West Bengal teacher stripped naked, beaten for disciplining student

A crew led via a minority community girl student’s mother and father stripped a girl instructor naked and assaulted her for disciplining the female in West Bengal’s South Dinajpur.

On Friday afternoon, a team led with aid of the student’s dad and mom first held a protest backyard of the headmaster’s office in Trimohini Pratap Chandra High School below the Hili police station of South Dinajpur district in West Bengal over a lady trainer slapping the girl for now not attending instructions on Thursday. They then allegedly entered the teachers’ frequent room and assaulted a women teacher and stripped her naked. The mob abused the instructor with the aid the use of obscene language.

A police team rushed to the college after getting the statistics of the incident. Later the situation was normalized by using the college teacher block administration with assurance of security.

A few hours after a complaint was lodged at the Heli police station by the school authorities, the police arrested four people for assaulting the teachers on Sunday.

This incident has created anger among the locals. They protested by blocking the road on Saturday.

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