Wounds of CAA to remain alive in Assam      

On this day, three years back protest for CAA was spread over after the enactment of CAA which left wounds of many while some lost their lives.

Protests against the law in Assam were led by the All Assam Students Union (AASU) and the Krishak Mukti Sangam Samithi (KMSS) but the agitation was different from other parts of the country as the agitators insisted that the state could not be dumping. A place for foreigners regardless of religion.

The Citizenship Act, 1955 was amended to grant citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian religious minorities fleeing persecution from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and seeking refuge in India till 2014.

Opponents protested the law as based on religious criteria and wanted it amended.

The agitation in Assam turned violent, with five people killed in police firing and KMSS leader Akhil Gogoi and four others arrested.

May the wounds of those protestors alive.

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