Youth Engagement through Empowered Youth Organisations (YESS)

Hon’ble Chief Minister, Shri Conrad K. Sangma launched a pioneering initiative in Meghalaya – Youth Engagement through Empowered Youth Organisations (YESS). Through this initiative, registered entities focusing on youth development and empowerment could apply for financial assistance upto INR 1 Lakh if the entity matches the criteria and is deemed fit by the constituted proposal evaluation committee.

The program has been formulated in pursuance to the State Youth Policy notified in 2021 which outlines the commitment of the Government of Meghalaya for youth engagement, empowerment and rejuvenation. The broad objectives of this program include Empowerment of youth clubs and organisations for planning and implementation of grassroot level programs and activities, Positively channelizing energies of the youth, Enhancement of the youth development ecosystem by the promotion of effective collaboration with key stakeholders in the State and Creation of an annual corpus fund for extension of financial support to registered not for profit youth clubs, organisations and associations. It is anticipated that the youth organizations taking part in this initiative will participate in activities like environmental protection and conservation programs and workshops, financial literacy workshops and campaigns, awareness dissemination workshops and seminars, career counselling and guidance workshops and clinics, mental wellbeing seminars and campaigns; and more.

Shri Conrad Sangma, said, “The key objective is to provide the proper opportunities for the abundant potential in our youngsters, as well as the freedom to seek excellence without financial or societal constraints.”

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