Cops use tear gas against radicals protesting in Paris after election

Riot police charge and spray teargas on protesters in central Paris after President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected on Sunday, social media footage showed. Police wanted to break up a crowd of ordinary youths who had gathered in the central locality of Chatelet to protest, photos on Twitter showed.

Macron earlier defeated far-right leader Marine Le Pen in a runoff vote on Sunday, using a second five-year term victory and averting what could have been a major political upset in another case.

Although Macron won by a comfortable margin, the cost of abstention was expected to be high considering 1969, with a significant portion unwilling to vote for either Macron or Le Pen.

Between the first round of voting and Sunday’s runoff, students protested at the Sorbonne in Paris and outside various universities, expressing their dismay at the choice in the proposal.

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