Assam Gobha Deuraja Raj Parishad is orgainsed in Assam

On February 27, Christian tribal families converted themselves into Hinduism in Assam, Jagiroad.

According to the reports, the families those who converted themselves into Hindu were before Hindu by birth under Assam Gobha Deuraja Raj Parishad.

The organiser of the program, Jursing Borodoloi said, “We have already conducted Abhiyan and residents of 2 villages in Kamrup have come back to their original Hindu religion. Today Gobha Deuraja Raj Parishad has organised a programme named Tiwa Bhasha Sanskriti aru Udyoga Parva. 11 families (43 people) of Tiwasong who earlier converted to the Christian religion, come back to the Tiwa community (Hindu religion) as per their wish.”

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