Himalaya Inspires Consumers to Prioritize Wellness

One of India’s leading wellness brands Himalaya Wellness Company has launched a new equity campaign that inspires consumers across age groups to prioritize health and wellness. The campaign brings to life Himalaya’s vision of “Wellness in Every Home, Happiness in Every Heart.”

Over the pastnine decades, Himalaya has been championing health and wellness, which consumers across the globe want to embrace. Himalaya believes that the world will be a happier place if each of us prioritizes our health and wellness. The new campaign aims at drawing attention to the shift in our lifestyles and the importance of preventive healthcare for good health and well-being.

Mr. Rajesh Krishnamurthy, Business Director – Consumer Products Division, Himalaya Wellness Company, said, “Himalaya has pioneered and developed a range of head-to-heel consumer products, reinforcing our vision of Wellness in Every Home, Happiness in Every Heart.”

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