Jal Jeevan Mission deadline 2024, Assam &Meghalaya stands lowest

World Water Day was celebrated on Wednesday, 22 March. Jal Jeevan Mission was inaugurated in the northeast states tp provide tap water in every rural household.

But as per reports, Assam and Meghalaya both the states have failed to complete the target to more than half of the families in the states.

Still on a hope to complete the target as soon as possible because its deadline is not completed yet. The ambitious Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) deadline is on 2024, next year. 

For now, Assam has covered 46.20% household tap water supplies. Whereas, Meghalaya completed 46.89% tap water supply.

Among the Northeast states the highest supplies were done in Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh. However, Mizoram stands at the top 80.43% tap water supplies in every household of the state.

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