MSDE, Government, UNICEF collaborate to address youth skilling and employment challenges

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India, and UNICEF-YuWaah, have partnered to address skilling and employment challenges among youth in India, within the umbrella of the approved Government of India-UNICEF Country Programme Document 2023-2027.

The partnership between MSDE and UNICEF-YuWaah will provide 21st century skilling, apprenticeship, and entrepreneurial opportunities, career guidance, and support for young job seekers. YuWaah is a multi-stakeholder platform by UNICEF that aims to prepare young people to transition from education and learning to productive work and active citizenship. It has been working with young people and partners in India since its launch in 2019, providing a continuum of support as they transition to adulthood and see economic and social impact opportunities.

The partnership was officially launched by Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE, and Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF Representative in India. Speaking at the launch of the collaboration, Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE said, “Going forward, MSDE and UNICEF are committed to strengthen the apprenticeship ecosystem in the country through innovative solutions based ontechnology platforms to maximize the scale and reach.”

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