The Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) has offered to sponsor education for Jyoti Kumari.

The Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) has offered to sponsor education for Jyoti Kumari, who has hit the headlines after she cycled almost 1,200 km to Darbhanga in Bihar from Gurugram, carrying her injured father on pillion.LJP president Chirag Paswan on Sunday said that he has been speaking to the teenager and her family for days and has urged her to pursue education of her choice wherever in the country she wants.”I will sponsor her education in any stream which she thinks is best for her,” he said.Offers of help have poured in for Ms Jyoti after she was forced to pedal the huge distance with her father sitting on pillion to reach home during the lockdown.Her toughness and endurance became one of the stories that have defined the difficulties migrants have faced during the coronavirus-triggered due to COVID-19.

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